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A deposit transaction is a special type of transaction format specific to the OP Stack. It is for creating L2 transactions from TransactionDepositedEvents on L1. It is also used for L1 info system transactions. You can see the type in the op-viem repo and in op-geth.


An event emitted from a depositTransaction call to the OptimismPortal contract, which is used to create a DepositTransaction on L2.


SourceHash uniquely identifies the source of a deposit transaction and serves as a nonce. It is derived from the SourceHashDomain, the log index (the index of the TransactionDepositedEvent among all logs in the block), and the block hash of the L1 block in which the TransactionDepositedEvent was emitted.


SourceHashDomain specifies whether the deposit transaction is from a deposit on L1 or is a system transaction. You can see the type here.